
So, Why “KISS” Hydroponics?

That’s a good question. The KISS is an acronym that you may have heard before. Keep It Simple Stupid. I have changed it a little… Keep It Stupidly Simple. And that’s my goal on my hydroponics journey… to keep it really simple, efficient and affordable!

My Hydroponics Journey

My name is Matthew, and I discovered hydroponics several years ago. And I started absorbing all kinds of information. Hydroponics seemed to be a great answer to my problem. I wanted to grow more of our own food. But, I was faced with the obstacles:

  • I don’t have much space
  • My soil is very shallow, rocky and alkaline.
  • I don’t fancy working outdoors and sweating too much in our subtropical climate.

Hydroponics to the rescue! It can be set up anywhere, indoor or outdoors, requires far less space, and makes better use of resources. It also offers me the chance to be creative and solve problems and improve stuff, and I found that’s something I get real satisfaction from too.

When I first discovered hydroponics, it seemed out of reach. The equipment, the systems, the technical jargon and… the cost! It was significant. But, I learned that it doesn’t have to be. In fact, as is true in many areas of life, things operate better, more efficiently and yes, more affordably, when they are stripped down and simplified.

Simple Elegant Solutions to Hydroponics

In the world of mathematics, there is this idea of an elegant solution to a mathematical problem. The most elegant solution in mathematics is the most simple and efficient way to solve the problem. And that is my goal… to find, experiment,. test and discover what are the most elegant solutions to DIY hydroponic farming.

Why Share This?

I decided I would share some of my journey on this site. It helps to hold me accountable to keep walking this journey but I hope it also helps others on theirs too.

So, you’ll find a wide collection of stuff that I’ve learned, researched, tested, built and recorded. This includes failures as well as successes! I have learned a whole lot. And, really benefitted from the experience- by growing a lot more of our own food more efficiently; working with the miracle of nature; and by being creative and seeing the fruit of my efforts.

I hope some of this helps you on your hydroponics journey.

simple diy nft hydroponics

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